Breaking Down Point 5 of “Gender Ideology Harms Children”

Michea B
6 min readApr 30, 2018


For those just joining us, please read the following links to catch yourself up:
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3
Point 4

Gender Dysphoria is shortened to GD for convenience.

According to the DSM-V, as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.

First of all, the children are not “gender confused”. That term is used when people want to play down the effects and symptoms of GD. Same goes for “eventually accept”. Trans people have accepted their biological sex, there’s no discussion that one. Trans people know they will never be able to change their biological sex (chromosomes), and we’ve been over this multiple times. It’s insane that it’s still part of the discussion. And as for the statement that these children accept it after passing “naturally” through puberty is incorrect, but more on that later. For now, let’s look at those numbers shall we? Forgive me for being blunt, but those numbers look rather…fishy to me. Thankfully the ACP has provided their explanation on how they got to their numbers! Ready to see some really devious and rather disingenuous math?

Regarding Point 5: “Where does the DSM-V list rates of resolution for Gender Dysphoria?”

On page 455 of the DSM-V under “Gender Dysphoria without a disorder of sex development” it states: Rates of persistence of gender dysphoria from childhood into adolescence or adulthood vary. In natal males, persistence has ranged from 2.2% to 30%. In natal females, persistence has ranged from 12% to 50%.” Simple math allows one to calculate that for natal boys: resolution occurs in as many as 100% — 2.2% = 97.8% (approx. 98% of gender-confused boys) Similarly, for natal girls: resolution occurs in as many as 100% — 12% = 88% gender-confused girls.

Now, I’m not going to make you go out and purchase the DSM V because that thing is expensive. I know, I bought it. So let’s fact check some of this stuff, shall we? And while we’re at it, let’s see what the guidelines and suggestions are for children with GD.

Page 452

As you can see by the screen shot of the DSM V, there are some pretty specific requirements for the child to meet before he or she can even be considered to have GD. The child has to show signs for at least six months, or have the condition to the point that there is significant distress or impairment in almost all important areas of functioning. A boy who likes to play with Barbie dolls is not going to get diagnosed with GD unless the doctor is a doctor with extremely low ethical standards. This is why we don’t see all children being diagnosed as having GD, just a small percentage of them. On top of all of this, these conditions do not include adolescents or people who have hit puberty yet. There is an entirely different set of criteria that need to be met for adolescents and for adults.

So, on to the next point.

Do some children grow out of or adapt to the point that they no longer qualify as having GD?

While some children will grow out of their GD, there are specific reasons behind the numbers of kids who don’t continue to have GD once they reach adolescent. Key point here, these are children who don’t continue once they reach the stage of adolescent, not “naturally passing through puberty”. Remember when I said the ACP is really good about using words to twist the truth to fit their message?

Because expression of gender dysphoria varies with age, there are separate criteria sets for children versus adolescents and adults. Criteria for children are defined in a more con- crete, behavioral manner than those for adolescents and adults. Many of the core criteria draw on well-documented behavioral gender differences between typically developing boys and girls. Young children are less likely than older children, adolescents, and adults to express extreme and persistent anatomic dysphoria.


A very young child may show signs of distress (e.g., intense crying) only when parents tell the child that he or she is “really” not a member of the other gender but only “desires” to be. Distress may not be manifest in social environments supportive of the child’s desire to live in the role of the other gender and may emerge only if the desire is interfered with.

So as we can see, the criteria for children is different than those for adults or adolescents. In most cases, the criteria for GD in children focuses more on the behavior over instead of physical forms of GD. So keeping that in mind, let’s look at those numbers that the ACP are using to show that only a teeny tiny percentage of children with GD continue having GD on through adulthood. The DSM V specifies that the percentages that are listed are specifically listed under, Gender dysphoria without a disorder of sex development.

So first, let’s look at the numbers for natal males (Xy chromosome)

In natal males, persistence has ranged from 2.2% to 30%

The ACP took the smallest number, 2.2% and subtracted it from 100% to get their number of children “growing out” of their GD. Instead of being honest and saying that the range of “growing out” of GD ranges from 70% to 97.8%, they instead said:

…as many as 98% of gender confused boys…

Are we noticing that by playing the statistics game the ACP is able to make it look like almost 100% of natal boys “grow out” of their GD? By wording it with posting on the topmost percentage and essentially hoping that people wouldn’t fact check them, they can make it look like it’s the parents that are trying to claim that the child has GD and not the child actually having GD.

Reading further on, we see the following about the children who “grew out” of their GD:

For natal male children whose gender dysphoria does not persist, the majority are androphilic (sexually attracted to males) and often self-identify as gay or homosexual (ranging from 63% to 100%).

Hold on a second, didn’t the ACP say something about homosexuality? (Here, here, here) So they’re OK with the kids being gay, so long as they aren’t trans? This is all quite confusing.

Now let’s look at the natal females. (XX chromosome)

In natal females, persistence has ranged from 12% to 50%.

So up to 50% of natal females who as children have GD will continue on to have GD up through adolescence to adulthood. Doesn’t saying “up to 50%” sound much more positive than as many as 88% of natal females were merely gender confused and grew out of their GD.

Shall we take a look at the sexuality for these natal females that “grew out” of their GD? Just to have a bit of fun?

In natal female children whose gender dysphoria does not persist, the percentage who are gynephilic (sexually attracted to females) and self-identify as lesbian is lower (ranging from 32% to 50%).

So…from 32% to 50% of natal females identify as lesbian?

So let’s look at the final point I would like to make about this whole debacle of bad math, muddying the waters with using specific words and phrases to twist the truth, and what happens to the children who “grow out” of having GD?

The ACP seems to rather have these children grow up to be gay or lesbian than to have the child have GD.

If you would like to read through the DSM V for yourself and come to your own conclusions, you can download it or view it from this website. The section regarding GD begins on page 452 and covers child, adolescent, and adult GD.

-Continue on to point 6-

Originally published at on April 30, 2018.



Michea B

Queer|Pronouns he/they. Owner of Illuminatus Design. Degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies (GSWS, Psychology, English) & Theology (M:Div)