Discussing Gender Slurs and Anime Culture

Michea B
6 min readJun 20, 2018


CW: Use of gender slurs

So I would like to give a bit of clarification between two often confused terms (futanari and trap) before moving on to discuss the history and “culture” that is often used to justify the gender slur, trap.

First is the mistake that the term futanari or futa means trans woman. Futanari or futa in anime and manga culture generally* aren’t trans women actually, they’re specifically “dick girls”, who are essentially cis women who have dicks instead of (or sometimes along with) a vulva. Other uses for this word refer to an intersex person who is generally seen as female in appearance for all parts except for having a penis. (Most people say that it refers to a hermaphrodite person who has a female body with a male phallus attached or their clitoris can grow to be a penis size)

Originally the term futanari referred to someone who possessed both masculine and feminine traits, but around the 90s it started to take on the meaning we see used today, that of a cis appearing woman with a penis. In American viewing, it was originally referred to as “dick girl” and an example in older hentai animation would be La Blue Girl. Other terms used are “clit dick”, but futa or…



Michea B

Queer|Pronouns he/they. Owner of Illuminatus Design. Degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies (GSWS, Psychology, English) & Theology (M:Div)