It/Its pronouns are no less valid than any other pronoun set

Michea B
3 min readJan 26, 2021
Credit u/HardlightCereal on Reddit

While the use of the it/its pronoun is mostly used for inanimate objects, animals, and concepts where we’re not quite sure of what to use (e.g. “It’s raining outside” or “What do you want to do about it?”) there is also a usage that is less common but still just as valid and that is the use of it/its as a personal pronoun.

Like with every other pronoun, it is not our decision whether or not it is valid for use. It is up to the person asking us to use those pronouns. Saying, “I’m not going to use those pronouns because I don’t like them.” is no different than someone refusing to use your pronouns because they don’t agree that you should be using them. I want you to take a moment and ask yourself how you feel when people use the wrong pronouns on you, especially after you’ve told them what pronouns to use for you. Do you like it when that happens? Then why is it ok for you to decide to cause those feelings and emotions on another person just because you personally don’t agree with or want to use those pronouns?

The fact that we use the it/its pronouns on a near daily basis and in many cases even on people (usually babies, where it is often used for idiomatic phrases such as “Is it a boy or a girl?”) shows that they’re not new and that these pronouns are just as common as any other.



Michea B

Queer|Pronouns he/they. Owner of Illuminatus Design. Degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies (GSWS, Psychology, English) & Theology (M:Div)