Stop shaming trigger/content warnings

Michea B
3 min readJan 11, 2022

We’ve all heard or seen the lines before mocking trigger and content warnings such as, “Life doesn’t come with trigger warnings! Grow up and stop being so sensitive!” when the topic comes up for discussion. Generally there’s also a meme or several thrown around of women with upset or enraged expressions that have been picked out from a video to maximize the memefication of the so-called “triggered liberal/woman/what have you.” We’re told we’re weak or that “back in [person’s] day nothing had trigger warnings” and we need to “grow a pair.”

Ok, first off, what’s wrong with being sensitive and caring about others as well as your own wellbeing? We are a social species and have survived this long by ensuring the wellbeing and safety of those around us. It’s only been in recent history that the shift has been toward individualism (or social atomization) and away from community (brought about mostly through settler colonialism/imperialism) and those who remain focused on their communities are often shunned. Caring for the wellbeing of others is seen as a weakness in Western countries unless there is a specific reason behind it, such as a familial obligation or a romantic partnership, when in the past it was understood that the community could only survive if everyone’s needs were met.



Michea B

Queer|Pronouns he/they. Owner of Illuminatus Design. Degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies (GSWS, Psychology, English) & Theology (M:Div)